One week summer camp to discover 10 sports !

During school holidays, our club proposes a week camp for children to discover 10 sports in only 5 days.

The « Discovery Packs » camp are dedicated to children from 3 to 10 years old and are organized with door-to-door transportation.

The enrollment is on a weekly basis, from monday to friday, for 5 consecutive day sessions.

Our packs were designed to stimulate children curiosity, make them explore many different sports in a playful and secured environment.

Our pack for children from 3 years old

The pack P'TITS BISCOTOS has been designed for young children from 3 to 5 years old. Each day, young children will be able to explore 2 or 3 sports while improving his sports skills !

decouvir 10 sports poyr enfant de 3 anssummer holidays 2023

Our packs for children from 5 years old

The pack CLASSIC, the pack PRINCESS and the pack WORLD TOUR are dedicated to children from 5 to 10 years old. They propose a varied sports program to discover many sports in only 5 days !

stage enfant sport découverte
stage enfant sport découverte
Pack Princess
Monday : cirque, zumba
Tuesday : gym, tennis
Wednesday : dance, cheerleading
Thursday : badminton , volleyball
Friday : golf, capoeira
Pack World Tour
USA : baseball & US football
FRANCE : tennis & fencing
UK : boxing & golf
CHINE : table tennis & gym
BRESIL : capoeira & jujitsu
›  summer holidays 2023
›  summer holidays 2023

Sports lessons following Sartoris Method

Sports lessons are given by our qualified coaches in small groups of 4 to 6 children maximum.

The way of teaching follow the fundamentals of the Sartoris method, first sports instruction pedagogy dedicated to children.

Get to know more about the Sartoris method & philosophy here !

After sports lessons, leisure sports

Our sports instruction method is based on learning through play and multisport program.

Then, after sport lessons, children can enjoy different other sports activities :


• bouncy castles
• trampolines
• elasto-trampoline
• tennis table

These leisure sports especially appeal to children and enable them to enjoy lots of different sports and activities after a demanding instruction in the sports they chose.